Our Team

Jessica Lin, M.S.

As a fifth-year Clinical Psychology Ph.D. student at Palo Alto University, Jess (she/her) is fulfilling her internship at her alma mater, the University of California Santa Barbara, as part of their Counseling and Psychological Services.  As an undergrad, she double majored in Psychology (B.A.) and Sociology (B.A.) with a minor in Education and Applied Psychology. She is interested in studying the intersection of multiple minoritized identities and conducting research addressing related mental health disparities. Her clinical population of interest are queer youth/transitional age adults of color. When freed of responsibilities, you can find her tending to her houseplants, hiking with her adopted dog Jingle, and checking out fun, new food spots.

Representative Publications and Presentations

  • Lin, J. M. J., Velez, C. V., & Park, A. L. (in preparation). Exploring barrier and engagement factors to mental healthcare among queer people of color.

  • Park, A. L., Kim, J., Lin, J. M. J., & Torres, A. (in preparation). Promoting youth mental health through stakeholder-generated innovation.

  • Baeza-Hernandez, K., Lasecke, M., Herman, A., Kim, J., Lin, J. M. J., Dosovitsky, G., Bunge, E. L., & Park, A. L. (2022). Pilot implementation of psychoeducational workshops on behavior management and stress management for parents and teachers. Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 1-12.

  • Lin, J. M. J., Velez, C., DeBellis, A., & Park, A. L. (November 2021). Association between preferred mental health information source and perceptions of coping strategies. Poster presented at the 55th Annual Convention of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Dissemination and Implementation Science Special Interest Group Exposition, Virtual.